Tuesday 5 October 2010


Highlands and Islands SNP MSP has lodged a motion in the Scottish Parliament praising those that managed to successfully bid for the Royal National Mod to be held in Caithness this year.

The National Festival of Gaelic culture will take place from the 8th til 16th of October.

In his motion Mr Gibson congratulated the enthusiasts in Caithness and North Sutherland for successfully bidding for and securing the event.

Mr Gibson's motions says that that the multiple linguistic heritage of Caithness (which includes a strand of Gaelic) can be boosted and underpinned in the future by the Mod. And that the legacy of the Mod could be an increasing cultural confidence in the Far North as it's economy turns towards renewable energies and local food and drink produce.

The Motion also calls for the public and private sector to commit and maintain the connection between a healthy economy and confident rooted communities which the Mod can help sustain.

Mr Gibson, who will be attend to the opening ceremony this week said….

"Those that have brought the Mod to Caithness deserves huge credit. Especially Raymond Bremner he has done a power of work to make it happen and I am sure that it will all be worth it. It promises to be a special event and I am sure that Caithness folk will give a warm welcome to those thousands who make it ower 'e Ord."

"Such events as the Mod have the capacity to give a place a sense of identity. Caithness is unique in Scotland it has a rich and diverse cultural and linguistic heritage. It has Nordic, Scots and Gaelic strands and heightened awareness of one will also lead to a confidence and interest in the others. The Mod can lead to a more self confident and stronger county. That legacy would be something of great value."

"A strong and rooted community is an integral part of a strong and vibrant economy. The more events like this then the better. I look forward to other strands of Caithness culture given a higher profile in the County. Caithness is on the cusp of great change. The renewables revolution will open up more opportunities and change the economic outlook. It is important that with this change the culture remains strong too. The Mod and other events are part of this process."


The full text of the motion lodged in the Scottish Parliament by Rob Gibson MSP is as follows;

S3M-07182 Rob Gibson (Highlands and Islands) (Scottish National Party): Fàilte gu Mod Ghallaibh, Welcome to Caithness Mod— That the Parliament congratulates enthusiasts in Caithness and North Sutherland for being successful in their bid to mount this year's festival of Gaelic culture, Mod Ghallaibh 2010; looks to a hearty Caithness welcome for the competitors and participants at this year's event, from 8 to 16 October, in Wick and Thurso; believes that what is considered to be the multiple linguistic heritage of Caithness should be enhanced by a heightened awareness of the Gaelic strand of that heritage; seeks to realise a legacy from the Mod of increasing cultural confidence in the far north as its economy transfers its focus onto renewable energy sources from wind, wave and tidal power as well as the sustainable produce of land and sea, and seeks both public and private sector commitment to maintain and increase the connection between a healthy economy and confident rooted communities, which it believes that a successful Mod can underpin.

The Member has provided the following translation:

Gu bheil a’ Phàrlamaid a’ cur meal an naidheachd air muinntir Ghallaibh agus ceann a tuath Chataibh a tha air a bhith soirbheachail nan tagradh airson Mòd 2010 a chumail ann an Gallaibh; thathar a’ dùileachadh gun tèid fàilte chridheil a chur air luchd-farpais agus luchd-compàirt aig tachartas na bliadhna seo, a ghabhas àite bho 8 gu 16 Dàmhair, ann an Inbhir Ùige agus Inbhir Theòrsa; gu bheil a’ Phàrlamaid a’ creidsinn gun chur Mòd 2010 ris an inbhe a th’ aig a’ Ghàidhlig mar phàirt de dhualchas iomadh-fhillte Ghallaibh; thathar cuideachd ag amas gur e an dìleab a dh’ fhàgas a’ Mhòd misneachd chultarail sa cheann a tuath fhad ’sa tha fòcas eaconamaidh na sgìre a’ gluasad gu bunait cumhachd ath-nuadhachail agus toradh seasmhach na mara agus an tuath; tha a’ Phàrlamaid a’ sùileachadh gun tig taic bhon roinn phoblach agus an roinn phrìobhaideach airson an daimh eadar eaconamaidh fallainn agus coimhersnachdan misneachail, a tha Mòd 2010 a’ riochdachadh, agus a dhaingneachadh anns an àm ri teachd.

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