Wednesday 28 October 2009


News Release
For immediate use

28 October 2009

Highlands & Islands SNP MSP Rob Gibson today hailed the unveiling of a new website providing a wealth of information on Scotland's history through online resources for teachers, pupils and the wider public.

Announced yesterday by the Cabinet Secretary for Education Fiona Hyslop, Scotland's History Online covers a range of subjects, from prehistoric through to 21st century Scotland, with more than 200 topics that include links to over 1,000 other online sources and a wide range of interactive supporting materials.

A historian and former Guidance teacher, Rob said:

"This is a welcome resource in celebrating Scotland's rich history and providing access to learn about our country's past, especially during the Year of Homecoming . I have long urged for more focus and consideration to be given to the teaching of Scotland's history in schools and this is a fantastic step forward, providing advanced, interactive material for teachers and students integrated into the Curriculum for Excellence.



Scotland's History Online found at:

The resource is structured by time periods:
-Early People (Prehistoric)
-Caledonians, Picts, Britons and Romans (Ancient)
-Wars of Independence (Medieval)
-Medieval life (Medieval)
-Renaissance, Mary Queen of Scots and the Reformation (Early Modern)
-Union of the Crowns to Union of Parliaments (Early Modern)
-Jacobites, the Clearances and Enlightenment (Early Modern)
-Making of Industrial and urban Scotland (Modern)
-Scotland in the 20th and 21st centuries (Modern)

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