Thursday 2 October 2008

Gibson welcomes Ministerial response to Shucksmith report

News release
Immediate release


Rob Gibson SNP MSP for Highlands and Islands has welcomed the ministerial response to the Shucksmith Report to take forward a strong measure of crofting reform.

Mr Gibson, who is a longstanding member of the Scottish Crofting Foundation and its predecessor the Scottish Crofters Union, said there is a particular need to review the outcomes of the regulatory procedures which occupy so much of the staff time in the Crofters Commission.

"I am delighted that the Minister, Mike Russell, has signalled the need for an elected element in the oversight of Commission procedures. I believe that crofters in the six districts outlined need to express their priorities so that crofting can grow and flourish and not be strangled in red tape."

" When you meet crofters away from the high profile public meetings which have appeared in the press there is a strong desire to get more local input to guide the regulatory process and a wish to see crofting develop in ways that are suitable to each crofting area. I will press these demands with the Scottish Government so that all the specific plans included in Shucksmith which the minister has endorsed can then be taken forward. It is an exciting time to embed crofting in the land use priorities of the nation."


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